Jessie and 3 of her boys

THomas and Isabell Winkless 1896

Ruby Low

William Henry Lickorish Bn 1877 with wife Mabel Fox

James Edward Lickorish, date unknown.

Albert Lickorish is 2nd from right. Date of photo unknown.

Charles with his section in Hull during the dock strike.

This is a family picture of Gladys, husband Alfred and children Eric(Center) and Irene on her mother's lap. Picture Circa 1925.

This is a family picture of Gladys, husband Alfred and children Eric(Center) and Irene on her mother's lap. Picture Circa 1925.

Four generations of Lickorish. From left to right, Alfred Lickorish, James Lickorish, Eric Lickorish and Philip Lickorish.
Picture C 1952

William Winkless

Violets wedding 5th April 1926.Back row l to r, Irene Lickorish, Alfred Lickorish, Unknown, George Lickorish, Stanley ?.Ladies l to r Unknown, Unknown, Gladys Lickorish, Unknown, Unknown, Margaret Lickorish, Ida. Front row l to r Rebecca Lickoriah, Frederick Taylor, Violet Lickorish, James Lickorish, Child in front Eric Lickorish.

Joseph Lickorish, date unknown.

Four generations of Lickorish. From right to left, Alfred Lickorish, James Lickorish, Eric Lickorish and child is Philip Lickorish. Picture is Circa 1952.

Ann Lickorish, date of photo unknown.

William is thought to be the man standing by the wheel on the left of the picture.

John is center of photo with his brothers James left and Joseph right. Picture taken at Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire. Date unknown.

Jonathan and wife Ann, with three children. Date of photo and children unknown.

Florrie Stanbridge

Edith and Roger Burrows

Four generations of Lickorish. From right to left, Alfred Lickorish, James Lickorish, Eric Lickorish and child is Philip Lickorish. Picture is Circa 1952.

Vic Stanbridge

Martha Beech, date unknown.

Alfred Lickorish Winkless and sons 1897

George Arthur Lickorish, date of photo 1926.

Great Grandfather John Frederick Thomas